New Blank Guns Decree of 28 June 2024: what you need to know

Categories : Defence weapons

On 28 June 2024, a new decree on blank weapons came into force in France. The aim of the decree is to tighten up the regulations governing the acquisition, possession and use of these weapons. Here's everything you need to know about this important legislative change.

What is a blank gun?

Blanks are replica firearms that fire cartridges without projectiles. They are often used for training, films, historical re-enactments or as home defence and signalling devices.

Objectives of the new decree coming into force on 1 July 2024

The main aims of the new decree of 28 June 2024 are to:

- Improve public safety

- Limit the risk of malicious use of blank weapons

- Clarify the conditions under which these weapons may be held and transported

Main new features of this decree

Blanks and signal weapons are now classified in category C12 instead of category D. This means that the sale of these weapons is now subject to a declaration to the prefecture, and that all sales must go through a gunsmith (new or second-hand).

Weapons acquired before 1 July 2024 are not affected, but if the owner of a blank firearm purchased before the decree came into force wishes to purchase additional accessories (magazine, silencer, etc.), he or she will need to register the weapon beforehand. 

Blanks must be stored in a secure place when not in use.

Sale to minors remains prohibited. 

Why is this decree important?

This decree is a response to growing concerns about the use of blank guns for malicious purposes. By tightening the rules on possession and use, the government hopes to reduce incidents involving these weapons and improve public safety.

What should current owners of blank guns do?

As mentioned above, this decree is not retroactive, so weapons purchased before 1 July 2024 are not affected. Unless the owner of the firearm wishes to purchase accessories for it, it will have to be declared. 

What documents do I need to provide to buy a blank firearm? 

To buy a blank firearm that is now in category C12, you will need to provide your gunsmith with the following documents: 

- a photo of your identity document, 

- proof of address, 

- your SIA number. To do this, you need to create your holder account via this link:

Your gunsmith will be able to help you create your account. If you buy from Wicked Store, we will assist you by email or telephone. 

- a medical certificate attesting to your physical and mental capacity to hold a firearm. A model is available via this link:

This certificate can be provided within 1 month of purchase, so you don't need to have it immediately. 

These procedures are relatively straightforward, and only take a few minutes at the time of purchase (the medical certificate can be issued in the days following purchase). 


The new decree on blank weapons of 28 June 2024 marks a turning point in the regulation of these devices in France. By introducing stricter measures, the government aims to better protect the public while allowing the responsible and controlled use of these weapons. If you own a blank firearm, it is vital that you inform yourself and comply with these new rules to avoid any penalties.

For more information and to keep up to date with the latest legislation on weapons, don't hesitate to consult our blog regularly.


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