Airsoft basics: Rules and game scenarios

Categories : Airsoft

Airsoft is a recreational shooting sport in which participants use replica firearms to simulate military combat. Unlike paintball, the projectiles used are small plastic pellets 6 mm in diameter. Airsoft is distinguished by its emphasis on realism, both in terms of equipment and game scenarios. Whether you're a novice or an experienced player, it's essential to know the basics of airsoft to get the most out of this exciting sport.

The basic rules of Airsoft

1. Safety first and foremost

- Eye protection: Protective goggles must be worn on the playing field to avoid eye injuries.

- Face protection: In addition to goggles, we recommend that you wear a face mask to protect your face.

- Safety distance: Maintain a minimum distance (often 5 metres) before shooting at an opponent to avoid injury.

- Replica power: Replicas must comply with the power limits set by the field of play, generally expressed in joules.

2. Respect and fair play

- Honesty: If you are hit by a ball, you must immediately signal this by raising your hand and shouting "Out".

- Respect for opponents: Mutual respect is essential. Avoid insults and aggressive behaviour.

- No physical contact: Physical contact is prohibited, except in certain scenarios where this is specified.

3. Specific game rules

- Respawn: Some scenarios allow "out" players to return to the game after a certain time or by reaching a specific zone.

- Limited ammunition: To increase realism, some games impose ammunition limits.

Popular Airsoft game scenarios

Capture the Flag

Objective: Capture the opposing team's flag and return it to its base without being eliminated.

Specific rules:

- Each team has a base with a flag.

- The game ends when the flag is captured and returned to the base or after a set time.

Team Deathmatch

Objective: To eliminate all the members of the opposing team.

Specific rules :

- No respawn.

- The game ends when all the members of a team are eliminated.

VIP Escort

Objective: To protect a designated VIP and escort him to a secure exit point.

Specific rules:

- One team plays the role of bodyguards and the other plays the role of attackers.

- The game ends when the VIP reaches the exit point or is eliminated.


Objective: To control and defend strategic points on the playing field.

Specific rules:

- Several control points are scattered around the pitch.

- Teams must capture and hold these points to accumulate victory points.


Airsoft is an exciting sport that combines strategy, teamwork and fair play. By observing the safety rules and adopting a respectful attitude towards other players, you can enjoy every game to the full. Whether you prefer the capture-the-flag, team deathmatch or VIP escort scenarios, there's always a new challenge on the airsoft field. So get your replicas ready, equip yourself properly and embark on your airsoft adventure!

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